PR can help you create awareness of your company and your services.
PR is a great way to generate leads for your marketing pipeline and it all starts by defining who you are and why people should buy from you. When you have completed those first steps, your next step is to take your message out into the world!
Lets look at how to promote your business with a press release.
Press Releases
Developing a press release – and getting it covered in publications from your target market – adds credibility to your message and delivers that credible message to your audience.
When writing the release, you want to answer the questions – who, what, where, when and why. The most important of these questions is the why. Why should someone care about this news?
For example, if you have acquired a new customer, your announcement can say:
Acme Print and Marketing Services is pleased to announce that The Big Bank has chosen Acme to handle all of their print production and direct marketing communications needs. The Big Bank is another example of Acme’s expanding role as a leader in providing print and marketing to organizations in the financial services industry.
The news is that The Big Bank has become a client; the story is that Acme is now becoming a go-to resource for the financial services industry.
Note that if you are announcing the purchase of new equipment or technology, the vendor you buy from is usually more than happy to write a press release about your purchase. These vendors are sometimes able to get coverage in publications and sites where you might not be able to, so be sure to ask!
Distributing the Press Release
Once you have finalized the press release, (and received approval from any customers or vendors that you mention) send your press release to publications and websites that cover your industry and reach the target audience you are trying to connect with. This may require a bit of research, but you want to be sure you are speaking to an audience who cares about your message.
In addition to sending the press release to publications and websites, you can also send it out via a distribution or wire service. These services will send your press release out thousands of publications, and can help boost your SEO rankings.
Font is a company that can assist you and Becher can assist you in this.
Repurposing Your Content
Once your release is out, there are several ways to keep the news alive. First, be sure to post links to the press release from all your social media outlets – Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. In addition to the link, post a bit of the story as well. Acme could tweet “More Good News from Acme” and a link to the press release.
In addition, you can take the content of the press release and rework it into a blog post. Note that these are different communications channels, so you want to be sure you edit the content so that it reads more like a blog post and is more conversational.
This is a first step and creates positive Brand Values for your business - something you can grow on for other marketing and advertising.
Tony Park
Business Gardener
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